Code of Ethics
M’Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship Centre subscribes to the following principles:
It is a community-directed organization, defines itself as a Friendship Centre and its aims and objectives are consistent with those of the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC).
It first and foremost respects and honours all Indigenous beliefs and customs, and acts and speaks with the pride and dignity that Indigenous heritage demands.
It is committed to information-sharing, referrals, recreation and social activities, cultural reinforcement, community development and all other activities which ensure that Indigenous people a better quality of life through Indigenous self-determination.
It supports unity among all Indigenous people without regard to the legal distinction which may be drawn between Status and
Non-Status individuals or among Metis, Indigenous or Inuit people. It offers its programming, services, counselling, information, etc to all Indigenous people.
It supports and works toward achieving the stated aims and objectives of the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres.
It is tolerant to diversity, forthright in expressing its views on particular issues and respectful of the opinions of other Friendship Centres and Indigenous groups even though they may disagree.
It will bring any grievances, comments or complaints relating to the Ontario Federation of Friendship Centre to the attention of the OFIFC Board of Directors. Likewise any grievance, comment or criticism that the OFIFC has relating to the M’Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship Centre will be brought to the attention of the Centre’s Board of Directors.
It endeavours to work in a cooperative manner with other Indigenous organizations and groups and non-Indigenous organizations and groups towards creating a human society. The Centre offers equal opportunity for participation, tolerance towards differences, and has respect for all living things.
Its members and representatives must honour and respect the commitments of the M’Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship Centre to the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres.