Our Programs
M'Wikwedong has several programs that cover a variety of ages, including prenatal care, infants, children, pre-teens, and elders. Our programs are tailored especially for Urban Aboriginals.
Our Events
M'Wikwedong hosts or supports a wide variety of events. We encourage you to come out and participate, as they are great opportunities to socialize and see what's happening in our community.
Here is a list of resources for Mental Health and Wellness specific to Indigenous Communities within Grey-Bruce:
Aakode’ewin Courage for Change Program:
The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, ONWA has expanded the Aakode’ewin Courage for Change Program across Ontario to address the unique needs of the disproportionate number of Indigenous women and girls affected by human trafficking.
Tel: 1-800-667-0816
Kids Help Phone:
Indigenous people can connect with an Indigenous volunteer crisis responder, when available, by messaging FIRST NATIONS, INUIT or METIS to 686868 for young people and 741741 for adults or through Facebook Messenger.
Website: https://www.kidshelpphone.ca/get-involved/first-nations-inuit-and-metis/
Mental Health Crisis Line of Grey Bruce:
This line is staffed by trained volunteers and is available to help serve individuals in Grey and Bruce Counties.
Call 1-877-470-5200 (519 and 226 area codes only)
Alternatively, call 519-371-3642 ext. 1
National Indian Residential School Crisis Line:
Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS) has set up a crisis line to provide support for former Residential School students and their families. Access emotional and crisis referral services by calling 24-Hour National Crisis Line Tel: 1-866-925-4419
Native Women's Association C's team of in-house Elders:
They procide services to work to support and build resiliency. They are available Monday–Friday, from 9–11 a.m. EST and 1–3 p.m. EST.
Toll Free: 1-888-664-7808
Noojimo Health Services:
Noojimo Health is an Indigenous-owned company that offers culturally safe and timely virtual mental health services for Indigenous people by an Indigenous care provider.
Tel: 1-833-277-5678
SOAHAC (Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre):
Aboriginal Health Access Centres are innovative, Aboriginal specific, Indigenous informed health care agencies. They provide a combination of health and social services to First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities including: traditional healing, primary health care, health promotion services, cultural programs, community development initiatives, social support services.
Owen Sound location: 733 9th Avenue East
Tel: 519.376.5508 Toll Free: 1.844.737.0725
Provides 24/7 culturally sensitive counselling, advice and support to Indigenous women in Ojibway, OjiCree, Cree, English, and French
Toll Free: 1-855-554-4325
Website: http://talk4healing.com
The Hope for Wellness Helpline:
Offering immediate help to all Indigenous peoples across Canada. Counselling is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktitut.
Toll Free: 1-855-242-3310
Website: https://www.hopeforwellness.ca/
The Women’s Centre of Owen Sound:
If you are a woman experiencing gender-based violence, and need immediate assistance, call 911.
Shelter Crisis Line: 519-371-1600 or 1-800-265-3722 Text: 226-974-0755
AHT Crisis Line (call or Text): 226-668-0357 General Inquiries:
Email: info@thewomenscentre.org
Website: https://www.thewomenscentre.org/
Telehealth Ontario: 1-866-797-0000