
Life Long Care Program

Program Coordinators: Margaret Yawney, Bonnie Cleverley

Phone: (519) 371-1147 Ext. 229 or Ext. 230


The Life Long Care Program (LLCP) is funded by the Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres (OFIFC). The program provides community support services to all urban Aboriginal clients, irregardless of age, who are disabled, chronically ill, frail elderly or require acute/chronic continuum of care. The Life Long Care Program also makes every attempt to provide services with an emphasis on traditional Aboriginal concepts and cultural beliefs. The LLCP provides a holistic approach to community support services, enhancing and improving the quality of life and living for the clients, allowing them to live independently in their community. In addition, the Life Long Care Program strives to ensure quality of care and appropriate support systems for their caregiver’s.

This service provides clients with transportation to attend medical appointments, and any social/recreational programs provided by the LLCP. This service can be provided through various methods.

Friendly Visiting 
This service can take place at the client’s home, M’Wikwedong Centre, hospitals, Long Term Care facilities, social and cultural events. The time spent with the client can be used to take the client shopping, assist with banking services, pick up medications, going for a walk, etc. The actual time spent with an individual client will be based on the needs of the client.

Security Checks 
This service provides clients with a regular telephone call to check on their safety and well being. These calls should not be longer than five (5) minutes in length. The number of calls made to individual clients on a weekly basis will vary, dependent on the needs of the client.

Aboriginal Support Services
This service involves providing clients with information and referral services, advocacy, medical escorts, translation services, assistance with filling out forms and applications, accessing services from mainstream agencies and organizations, assistance with funerals and wakes, accessing traditional healers and elders, telephone calls on behalf of clients, etc.

Congregate Dining Services
This service provides clients with the opportunity to socialize, gets the elderly out of their home, opportunity to have a nutritious meal, and some general education through presentations specific issues to health and wellness. These services will include such events as Craft days, Nokomis Mishomis lunches, and other special events as announced.

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