2019 Grand River Champion of Champions Pow Wow

Take part in one of Canada’s Indigenous events. The Grand River ‘Champion of Champions’ Powwow is an event that promotes rich arts heritage by showcasing our ‘pride’ in music, dance,…

Two-Spirit: Beginner Guitar

This is an introductory series.  Depending on interest there may be other workshops planned. If you have a guitar please bring it as loaner guitars are limited. If interested or…

Two-Spirit: Jam Circle

Come jam with us! If you have a guitar please bring it as loaner guitars are limited. If interested or for more information please contact Karen at 519-377-3171 or karenhoule@gmail.com

EarlyON: Marvelous Monday Playgroup

Drop-in for an Early Learning Playgroup focusing on fun activities like songs, crafts, story time, experiments, active play and so much more FUN! For more information call 519-3711-1147 ext. 228 or…

Community Summer Clothing Exchange

Shop for free!  We will have clothes for all ages. Bring along your beloved but outgrown items to exchange for new duds, or come empty handed & take what you like! You…

IHWS: Gardening

Come play in the gardens with us as we get and keep M’Wikwedong’s gardens in shape by performing some regular gardening maintenance. If interested please contact Tanya at ahws@mwikwedong.com or x.…

IHWS: Hike/Walk at Indian Falls

The trail begins as an easy walk along the Indian Creek riverbed and heads uphill into a wooded landscape. The rugged uphill section leaves you breathless before you make your…

CRC: Drumstick Making

Over part of the winter and spring of 2019 there were some drum stick making sessions that occurred at the Friendship Center. We are now scheduling a time for the…