UHALP: Zumba

You don’t need to be a great dancer to feel welcome in a Zumba class. Working up a sweat in this 60-minute class burns an average of approx. 369 calories.  You’ll get a great cardio workout that melts fat, strengthens your core, and improves flexibility.Grooving to the beats of salsa, flamenco, and merengue music feels…

EarlyON: Fun with Food

Join EarlyOn Educators for an interactive session of Fun with Food! Children help prepare a different nutritional lunch, which we eat at the end of the program. Together with your child, you will have the opportunity to follow a recipe, measure, scoop, stir and prepare ingredients. Families enjoy the social sharing aspect of a meal…

CAPC: Fun with Food

This program is designed for parent and child to work together to create a healthy and nutritious lunch. Children learn about cutting, shredding, ripping, counting, measuring and so much more. Please aim to arrive at 10am to ensure that we have enough food for everyone and that we can get started promptly. Contact Robyn McKenzie…

EarlyON/CAPC: Cedar Wreath Making

Wreath making is easy, festive, and fun for the whole family! Join us for an morning of festive crafting where you'll learn how to create a handmade cedar wreath perfect for gifting or to adorn your front door. We will have a broad selection of cut cedar greens, ribbon and pine cones but we suggest you…

Women’s Drumming

Give your voice a soul!  Find the rhythm that connects us to each other, to our bodies and to the natural rhythms for de-stressing and re-creation. Bring a drum and rattle or share ours. Teens and adult women welcome. No experience needed!   Drumming takes place in the Main Room. Next Drumming date is: December 17, 2018

Skirt Making Workshop

Each skirt requires 2 yards of fabric. We have fabric for sale at $15/per yard. If interested please contact Ronnie. There is no cost to you if you bring your own fabric. Participants must provide ribbon. If you have a sewing machine, please bring it. There will be shared machines available. Spaces are limited (5…

CAPC: Kindergym

Kindergym delivers high quality music and movement programs for 0-5 year olds where they will develop an amazing awareness of how to control and move their bodies through dominant movement patterns. Please note that this is not a drop-in program you must be registered to attend.  Program is not held at M'Wikwedong. Please contact Robyn McKenzie at…


Join us for a night of Yoga relaxation! Yoga can be described as a group of mental, physical and spiritual practices.  We will use meditation and body poses for health and relaxation. Its a fun way to unwind and stay fit. Please contact Matt at 519-270-7602 to sign up or for more information.