EarlyON/CAPC: Cedar Wreath Making

Wreath making is easy, festive, and fun for the whole family! Join us for an morning of festive crafting where you'll learn how to create a handmade cedar wreath perfect for…

Women’s Drumming

Give your voice a soul!  Find the rhythm that connects us to each other, to our bodies and to the natural rhythms for de-stressing and re-creation. Bring a drum and rattle or…

Skirt Making Workshop

Each skirt requires 2 yards of fabric. We have fabric for sale at $15/per yard. If interested please contact Ronnie. There is no cost to you if you bring your…

CAPC: Kindergym

Kindergym delivers high quality music and movement programs for 0-5 year olds where they will develop an amazing awareness of how to control and move their bodies through dominant movement patterns.…


Join us for a night of Yoga relaxation! Yoga can be described as a group of mental, physical and spiritual practices.  We will use meditation and body poses for health and relaxation. Its…

CPNP/EarlyOn: Babies and Music

"Babies and Music" returns this fall with instructor Lauren Best!  A musical immersion program open only for babies under a year.  Shake, rattle, dance and sing!  Available to all clients…

Skirt Making Workshop

Each skirt requires 2 yards of fabric. We have fabric for sale at $15/per yard. If interested please contact Ronnie. There is no cost to you if you bring your…

UHALP: Zumba

You don’t need to be a great dancer to feel welcome in a Zumba class. Working up a sweat in this 60-minute class burns an average of approx. 369 calories.…